Peace organizations and an anti-war philosophy must have existed, at least to a degree, in Germany during the build up to WW II. Within the population there had to be those who saw the spiritual malady – the presence of the raw,  insane, ego-driven madness, which gave birth to one of the most horrendous

Despite our knowing, in the depths of our souls, that peace is the right thing, why have world peace organizations failed in their attempts to deal with the insanity of war? Do the pleadings of the anti-war movement not seem eerily similar to those issued by the families of alcoholics, as their loved ones blindly

Big Things Are Happening

Monday, 10 March 2014 by

The incredibly positive response from those who have read Peace Anonymous – The 12 Steps To Peace has encouraged us to do the next right thing. A new web-site is in the works and, more importantly we are creating a crowd funded drive to create a full length documentary. Lets face it, with 7 billion people on