Big Things Are Happening

by / Monday, 10 March 2014 / Published in Uncategorized

The incredibly positive response from those who have read Peace Anonymous – The 12 Steps To Peace has encouraged us to do the next right thing. A new web-site is in the works and, more importantly we are creating a crowd funded drive to create a full length documentary.

Lets face it, with 7 billion people on the planet it will take forever to share this recipe for peace, if the only way the message is shared is via the written world. As we watch the growing instability in the Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and more we realize the world needs what we have.

Therefore, we at Peace Anonymous are diligently working on the movie in order to share our experience, strength, and hope with the people of this world with the hope that we can recover from mankind’s addiction to war.

Can we continue as we have? We all know the answer to that. We all know where we need to go: What we need is a road map and for those who have never experienced the change created by the 12 Steps you might wish to ask those who have. Miracles can and do happen. Does the world need a miracle?

Stay tuned.