[add_eventon_el el_title="Coming Events" cal_id="2" number_of_months="2" event_count="3" ]
Well-intentioned people have for years implored us to stop killing each other in much the same manner family members have begged alcoholics to simply stop drinking. Are we addicted to war and violence and, like alcoholics, telling us to stop killing has been as effective as telling a drunk to stop drinking? We needed more. We needed to find a new design for living?
The 12 Steps have been instrumental in changing the lives of millions of people in over 150 countries regardless of race, religion, or economic status. Those who once new only chaos, pain, and suffering have discovered peace, as a result of these Steps. Mankind has attempted political, economic, and military solutions all to no avail. Is it not time to try a spiritual solution?
Consider the Steps as a recipe for peace. Should they fail to produce the desired results we will refund your misery and you may return to killing at your convenience.
- 25 December 2014 by JohnnyF, in Change,Foreign Policy,human rights,peace,Spiritual
My Granddaughter’s Future
Since 9/11 there have been hundreds of people attempting to understand exactly w...READ MORE + - 22 August 2014 by JohnnyF, in Change,Foreign Policy,peace,Spiritual
The Simplicity of Peace
Mankind is really barely on the first rung of the ladder; we have not yet solved...READ MORE + - 31 July 2014 by JohnnyF, in Change,Entertainment,Foreign Policy,Latest posts,Lifestyle,Media,peace,Spiritual,Tech,Uncategorized
Israel is Addicted To War!
9/11 was used as an excuse to invade Iraq and today there are many unanswered qu...READ MORE +